“Our placement fees reflect the quality of our work, yet remain competitive.”
Our service
Permanent recruitment
Fixed term contract roles
Temp to perm
Finance & accounting
Credit management
Contact centre
Customer service
Health & Safety
Operations Management
Warehouse & logistics management
Our niche
Rather than recruiting in a single occupational niche, our client employers are our focus. And we dedicate ourselves to understanding them well, so we can make the best possible matches.
We choose to work with a select group of employers, recruiting for the various roles within each business.
This approach allows us to thoroughly understand each employer's culture, goals, values, and unique selling points—the qualities that define their work and set them apart in their industry.
In turn, we have similar conversations with job applicants.
We discuss what has gone well in past employment, what they want most in their next role and we build up a picture of what energises them, who they are as people, and what they value.
With this insight, we carefully consider what both employer and job applicant are hoping to find, thereby maximising the chance of a great team fit right from the start.
This commitment has led to many successful, long-lasting employer-employee relationships over the years.
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Time and time again, we have seen that the culture of an organisation is led by the one person at the top. Many skills and personal qualities combine to define that person’s impact.
In higher performing teams there is alignment of both skills and values – and the imperative ability to impart clear direction, so people may be trusted to get on with the job.
Not everyone has that last thing. Yet, when asked who their favourite manager was and why, most job applicants identify a manager who knew what to do, who set clear expectations and who (without being in their space), was always available when needed.
Some leaders inspire.
Some analyse.
Some create.
All senior managers make a difference.
We particularly enjoy being part of the search for that one person you can trust to steer your whole team forward.
Team fit is a biggie, right? And employing someone with the right attitude is key.
We don’t take shortcuts to find the people you need. We put in the groundwork to save you time and to help you make well informed hiring decisions.
And when candidates are spoilt for choice, we help to give them a positive impression of your business. We provide candidates with detail of the vacancy, a sense of the culture you want to maintain – and how all of that might fit with their career aspirations and the things they’ve said are important to them, also.
Our fees are competitive and cover candidate screening and interviews, reference and other pre-employment checks, shortlisting, the decline of unsuccessful applicants. And though it may never be needed, a guarantee to do it all again at no cost if the placement is not a success.
Our fee is a percentage of the employee’s commencing annual remuneration.
Gaining commitment from a short-term employee can be facilitated by a commitment to them in turn.
Legally, a fixed term contract will run either to the end of the agreed term – or to the end of the reason for the fixed term arrangement (whichever comes first).
This makes fixed term contracts an ideal way to address the 12-month absence of an employee on maternity leave – or a period of months that are predictably busier each year.
Fixed term contracts can be structured to invoice monthly in advance for the term, or to be paid in one lump sum.
The employee is retained on your payroll.
Temps can be especially helpful as a way of maintaining greater agility when times are uncertain, or when the short-term absence of a key employee is unexpected.
They allow some latitude to get things done, without the overheads of a full-time employee salary.
Whether to cover for the planned absence of an employee on leave, a project, a seasonal flux – or just to retain the greatest flexibility, we have temps who may be glad to help.
Our database is ever changing.
Most often we are called on for temps skilled in admin, accounts and credit management.
However, our networks are extensive, so more specialised or senior management may be just a phone call away.
Temp rates include the employee’s pay, cover for ACC, PAYE and leave provisions, and a mark-up that reasonably compensates us for sourcing the candidate and administering their employee needs.
Though they are overseen day-to-day on site by your management, the candidate remains the employee of Changing Jobs for the duration of the temp assignment.
Sometimes a temp employee goes so well in the role that you don’t want to let them go.
We understand that. Chances are, we would probably quite like to keep them on our database too – in hopes of placing them again.
Temp to perm covers the employment of a candidate we have previously referred as a temp, casual, on a fixed term contract, or in some other non-FTE capacity.
The rate is a percentage of the candidate’s commencing annual salary, adjusted to acknowledge the period that some revenue has been received during their temporary employment.
This is to assist when circumstances necessitate the opposite of employing someone.
Outplacement is a service in which we help to coach an employee whose role has been made redundant, to help ready them for re-entry into the employment market and their search for a new job.
It is a great way to lessen the blow for an employee who has given loyalty to your business, who may not have had to prepare a CV for years, or who may be out of step with what to expect from recruitment agencies.
We conduct one-on-one sessions with the affected employee, to help them decide what roles to apply for and how to do that best.
Through role plays, we help them to articulate what they have to offer a prospective employer.
And we assist in the provision of a suitably professional CV, prepared in consultation with them, so they have a say in its content and how they are being portrayed.
Your employee’s participation in the CV creation is a further tool to help them gain confidence in the things an employer might ask them about in interview.
Our values