Job Applicants
See currently advertised roles and scroll through roles previously filled, to get a sense of where we assist.
From working out which jobs to apply for, CV preparation & interviews. Market yourself more effectively.
For candidates
Once we know what you are looking for, we will tell you honestly if we can assist.
We will register and interview you only when we either:
Have a role immediately available OR
When we think there is a reasonable likelihood of securing the sort of vacancy you’re after.
If we don’t have the role you want right now, you may still get some assistance from our ‘How to apply for a job’ page. This gives a range of ideas on how to market yourself to prospective employers.
More often than not, registration includes an in-person or online interview.
During interview, we will discuss what you have done and we will endeavour to build up a clear picture of what you are looking for next, and going forward.
We will register and interview you only when we either:
Have a role immediately available OR
When we think there is a reasonable likelihood of securing the sort of vacancy you’re after.
If you would like to go on our database to hear about jobs as they are listed, click on the button below to email us your CV.
It is not usually possible for us to assist in preparing CV’s.
So instead, we have created a whole ‘How to apply for a job’ page to catch you up on preparing a CV, interviewing – and much more.
Certainly, this will be a great place to go for ideas that will get you started. And more than likely, you will find advice and ideas that may be useful through the whole application process.
If you are looking for a job because of an upcoming redundancy, perhaps see if your employer will put you through our Outplacement programme. In these in depth one-on-one sessions, your employer engages us to help with preparation of a CV, interview skills – and much more.
In New Zealand, recruitment services are paid for by the employer.
We do not charge someone who is looking for work.
If you register with us, if we refer you to an employer for interview – and even if you get the job – there is no charge to you for our service.